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Messages - Bausch

Pages: 1 [2]
Varnish / Re: Empty Varnish Cache
« on: July 16, 2016, 05:18:32 PM »
I am getting an error on my website (500) after installing WP using Softaculous. I was wondering if this could be cached. Is there a simple way to empty the cache to ensure that I am not seeing a cached result. Thanks.
Check the error logs to see exactly what went wrong, which is likely a permissions problem.

Simply restart the varnish daemon/service to empty the cache.

I've had very good luck with webmin on other systems. So, it was very easy to install and setup for me this go-around.
It also offers more freedom and control.
Thank you for your response.


What alternative would you recommend? What did you migrate your system to?

I suspect this is because ssl is only supported with apache only mode.

Try switching to apache only and then see if the module works. Then you can manually edit your configuration to nginx (with ssl) >> varnish>>apache, or skip varnish if you don't want to use it.

E-Mail / Re: Change E-Mail Password
« on: December 15, 2015, 10:56:44 PM »
The instructions above only worked for me after I upgraded roundcube to version 1.1.3 following the instructions in this link.

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