Author Topic: 90% Disk I/O on a high traffic website  (Read 11174 times)

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90% Disk I/O on a high traffic website
« on: April 16, 2017, 10:39:47 PM »

i have a high traffic website hosted on my server every time the user number goes above 1000 the server hits a 90% Disk I/O for a while

Can anyone recommend something i can do to lessen the load?

I have a server with 16GB Ram,  8 x 2.5GHz cores and a 2tb HDD

Re: 90% Disk I/O on a high traffic website
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2017, 08:17:21 AM »
this would need to be checked on your server, but you can try to enable nginx and varnish for start (if you are not using some kind of shopping site)
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Re: 90% Disk I/O on a high traffic website
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2017, 06:47:11 PM »

i have a high traffic website hosted on my server every time the user number goes above 1000 the server hits a 90% Disk I/O for a while

Can anyone recommend something i can do to lessen the load?

I have a server with 16GB Ram,  8 x 2.5GHz cores and a 2tb HDD

My first reply to any "High I/O disk usage" is to instantly switch from HDD to SSD! You'll see both your IO and Cpu load go DOWN. No joke. You can run a web server that gets 10,000s of hits daily with a small 120GB SSD with your current setup and never go above 2.00 CPU average load.  8)  ;D
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Re: 90% Disk I/O on a high traffic website
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2017, 03:32:03 AM »
Yes, you should switch to SSD first and then optimize web servers so that your server will handle some more traffic. :)
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