+1 on updated Changelog..
personally, i would like to see it "pop up" on the Panel right when you press "CWP Update".. it *should* imo, then show the latest update changelog.. just before "confirming" that you want to Update..
That, imo, would be what should be done.
Yes, CWP has come a very, very, verrrry long way, .. itis getting better, and stronger, more secure, etc..
its growing thats for sure.. some of it imo, is a little "overboard", for many use, but i'd rather have an option
and not need it then need it and not have it.

kudos @cwp..
Some beter support.. perhaps could be helpful, not that its terrible, but there are some support 'issues'.. imo.
Igor, and Sandeep rock.. so do a few others, but even on this Forum it would be nicer to have some more 'support'.
for even the small things.