Author Topic: Changelog....?  (Read 8889 times)

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« on: January 13, 2018, 09:55:22 AM »
It seems like the changelog on Facebook and on has stalled...?

Yes - I know that 'only major changes' are listed, but really...?

Updating the changelog only takes seconds and is a major help to all your users, that somestimes has to guess what can have caused a strange behaviour or similar time consuming things - simply list what changes in the running updates to keep your customers updated on what is going on...

Re: Changelog....?
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2018, 10:13:20 AM »
I contacted CWP regarding the changelog and they said that they are, actually, replacing all old modules with new ones and once this has been done, they will post the changelogs.

However, I think its a very bad practice to change the things silently while it does not take more than few minutes to post the changelogs.

Any CWP team or forum management can put light on it?

Re: Changelog....?
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2018, 06:11:03 AM »
I contacted CWP regarding the changelog and they said that they are, actually, replacing all old modules with new ones and once this has been done, they will post the changelogs.

However, I think its a very bad practice to change the things silently while it does not take more than few minutes to post the changelogs.

Any CWP team or forum management can put light on it?

Thanks for sharing that information.

I do think however that even that information - if correct - should have been shared with the users....

The website changelog and Facebook has not been updated since October 2017 and such rare changelog updates usually only happens to software that are close to being obsolete

We - as CWPPRO users - can see that updates are actually happening as the version numbers are changing, but why not share some light on what is actually happening in the machineroom...?

Remember that users are made of illusive material - if not nurtured and cared for they tend to fade away to other 'flowers'.....

Re: Changelog....?
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2018, 01:11:29 PM » is stopping short at CentOS 6 and (released 26/06-29/09/2017) and even stating
CWP for CentOS 7 is now available

There should be some info on the changes and perhaps new/improved features.

I would also favor rss feeds to for easily keeping track of developments.