Author Topic: CWP web panel: incorrect disk usage - Total disk usage > Files disk usage  (Read 1483 times)

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In CWP web panel File Management / Disk usage on the righ panel total usage is 316 MB but on the left panel (Files Disk Usage) is only 128 MB. Why? MySQL 1.4 MByte and E-mail is 0 MB.

« Last Edit: October 04, 2023, 12:49:39 PM by universekid »

It's not showing the log files & stat files & pages.

I have come to regard the CWP User panel info at partially complete and a general indicator, but not ground truth. The admin side has better info, but there are a lot of log files and hidden reefs that an admin has to keep track of as far as disk management goes.

The hidden log files will wind up killing your space quick.

And neither the user or admin panels take in account for the DB sizes I've noticed.