I have been using CWP for 3+years now. I've tried other panels, but end up coming back to this one because there is so much it can do and it the scripts have played nicely with centos.
There is a bit of a learning curve in terms of layout and how to set up the panel as well as a few bugs here and there. Overall, I have not had many issues with it.
People need to realize that panels do not control how fast your server is. A panel is nothing but a front end tool bringing together apache, mysql, php, and other programs that you installed to your server into one GUI. How you set your server up, the hardware, and the data connection has everything do with your speed.
I would like to see some transparency regarding who the developer(s) are. I have no clue where I am sending money to some guy in Croatia. You could by a spy for all I know

It looks like this started out as a pet project by one person who works on it when he could and answers questions when he can. Since I started using it, this has blossomed into a wonderful feature rich control panel.
Problems with this program.Using Ioncube to encrypt files in cwp is suspect. For all I know, malware could be hidden in those files. I would never run a pay site using CWP because of this unless I decoded and actually saw what was in those files. I already know there is a backdoor built into CWP.
I would like to see some governance in place so this project can grow to be something even better than what it is. The developer needs to give up a bit of control and let the community build. Let trusted people run the website, forums, and bring in developers. I saw a thread asking for help then no one answered those who were willing to help. CWP is a great idea, but I see a potential to be something better.
I am thinking about writing a manual for this control panel, but do not want to waste my time for something that could potentially disappear tomorrow or changes come on a whim.
With that, I appreciate all the hard work the developer has put into this program. I have donated money previously when there wasn't a pro version and now donated for the pro version. That's how pleased I am with the panel.