Author Topic: Excluding www from autossl  (Read 668 times)

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Excluding www from autossl
« on: January 05, 2024, 07:39:36 AM »
Hi all,
One of my CWP managed domains has its website (www) hosted in a completely different environment but still requries the CWP managed mail services. The root of the domain and www record of the domain points to the other server with only the mail and webmail services still pointing to the CWP host (cpanel and ftp too, but I don't use them). What I'm finding though is that CWP's auto SSL renew mechanism seems to consider the root or www of the domain as the primary DN for the certificate. Renewal seems to work though but the autossl script picks up an error and reruns every night.

What is the intended way in CWP to address the use case where web hosting for a domain is disabled but the mail hosting and its certifictes lives on?

Re: Excluding www from autossl
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2024, 02:46:19 PM »
CWP is designed as an all in 1 server CP.

Since you don't use it for anything other than a mail server.
Your best option probably is to rename the domain to, create a MX record of and then an A record for that points to the CWP server IP.

You can use phpMyAdmin to rename the domain also.