After my various problems to be able to have the web operational through ipv6 and to be able to solve it, I have decided to make this small mini guide.
After installing Centos 7 or 8, in my case it comes in a configuration file that ipv6 is disabled, a priori, in a clean installation of centos 8 it is activated by default, but it does not hurt, perform these checks / adjustments.
nano /etc/sysctl.conf
And add at the end of file:
net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 0
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 0
Its possible you view some line like the above about net.ipv6.... delete and replace for this.
Save the file.
nano /etc/sysconfig/network
And add this line:
And now, restart:
shutdown -r now
After this, we need add ipv6 AAAA record, in my case, in main panel (ip:2031) I can't, impossible for me.
I can add this ipv6 record in control panel (ip:2083), in this panel, I can add ipv6 record without problem.
We add the ipv6 record.
After this, we go to edit vhost for accept connection via ipv6.
WebServer Settings-Webservers Conf Editor.
Then, click in edit in the domain.com.conf.
Search the lines (are 4) that start with:
<VirtualHost THE IP4:80>
And just add this:
<VirtualHost [THE IP6]:80 THE IP4:80>
Note, important enter the ipv6 with []
In this file, are 4 lines for add this.
Now, the same with the file domain.com.ssl.conf
In this case, we add:
<VirtualHost [THE IP6]:443 THE IP4:443>
Also, in my case, are 4 lines for add the ipv6.
Then, restart apache:
systemctl restart httpd
This is all, I wait can help to some user.