Good that you got back working again.
Your/anybody's console will likely be saturated by firewall messages on a frequent basis. This is due to two things, equally bad: external hacking attempts and idiots on the same network who can't configure servers properly - sending broadcast messages/probes.
Everyone should complain to their hosting provider about LAN probing (provider's often list it as banned in Terms Of Service) but no-one appears to care!
I devised some iptables code that I add to, which blocks broadcasts and port scans from servers on the same network. This reduces considerably the amount of logged traffic that fills your disc and if I got nasty I could respond with REJECT messages, thus affecting the idiots.
Here's one line of it, that may inspire others:
/usr/sbin/iptables -I INPUT 3 -d -m comment --comment "Noisy neighbours" -j INVDROP