Author Topic: Compiler requires 512 MB RAM + SWAP  (Read 745 times)

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Compiler requires 512 MB RAM + SWAP
« on: March 04, 2024, 10:33:47 AM »
I ran the installer on Almalinux 8 and everything went fine until it got to the php compile part in cli and gave me the error that I needed this:

Compiler requires 512 MB RAM + SWAP

Ummm, I have an Intel i7 DDR3 16GB ram offshore server so I DO have more than 512mb!!!

[root@dragon ~]# free -h
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           15Gi       418Mi        13Gi       9.0Mi       1.9Gi        14Gi
Swap:         1.0Gi          0B       1.0Gi
[root@dragon ~]#
« Last Edit: March 04, 2024, 10:36:51 AM by DragoCom »

Re: Compiler requires 512 MB RAM + SWAP
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2024, 04:09:56 AM »
I ran the installer on Almalinux 8 and everything went fine until it got to the php compile part in cli and gave me the error that I needed this:

Compiler requires 512 MB RAM + SWAP

Ummm, I have an Intel i7 DDR3 16GB ram offshore server so I DO have more than 512mb!!!

[root@dragon ~]# free -h
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           15Gi       418Mi        13Gi       9.0Mi       1.9Gi        14Gi
Swap:         1.0Gi          0B       1.0Gi
[root@dragon ~]#


The error message is misleading in your case. You definitely have enough RAM (15Gi) and swap (1.0Gi) for the PHP compilation process.

Here's what might be happening:

Incorrect Minimum Requirement: The installer might have outdated information about minimum requirements. Modern compilers should function with much less RAM, especially with ample swap space available.

Temporary Spike in Usage: It's possible during compilation, memory usage might spike momentarily exceeding 512MB. This wouldn't be a problem with your 16GB RAM.

Let's troubleshoot the compilation error:

Check Actual RAM Usage:  Run top command during compilation to monitor real-time memory usage. It's unlikely to reach even close to 512MB.

Ignore the Error (if compilation continues): If the error pops up but compilation proceeds without crashing, it's safe to ignore it. The system is using swap effectively.

Increase Swap (if necessary, unlikely): If the compilation fails due to memory limitations (shown by top), consider creating a temporary swap file. However, with 16GB RAM, this is highly unlikely to be needed.

Update Installer (if possible): If the issue persists, check if the installer has an update available. It might contain a fix for the outdated minimum requirement message.

Re: Compiler requires 512 MB RAM + SWAP
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2024, 09:45:23 AM »
Someone else had this problem awhile ago, and it turned out to be a server config issue.
Have you searched the forums yet?

Re: Compiler requires 512 MB RAM + SWAP
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2024, 01:30:38 PM »
Am facing this issue after moved my server from centos7 to almalinux, i have used 16gb ram only while using centos7 now i have increased my ram to 24gb for almalinux after 16gb memory overload. now 24gb also used 92% swap memory using 4gb top commands nothing show big spike anyone help pls.....