Author Topic: CWP install on CentOS 7.x without MARIA DB as default  (Read 5493 times)

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CWP install on CentOS 7.x without MARIA DB as default
« on: April 08, 2017, 11:49:40 PM »
Hi, I opened this topic hopping that someone could advice the many users that wanted to install CWP on Centos 6.x or CentOS 7.x
WITHOUT Maria db as default...

I´ve read many topics regarding this... but eveyone who tried to uninstall maria db (as suggested for CWP staff) and then install MySQL 5.6 o 5.7 had many issues on CWP..

So, did someone achieved this? did someone uninstall Maria DB properly and sucessfully install MySQL 5.6 o 5.7?

could someone help?
