Author Topic: Migration cPanel to CWP  (Read 5692 times)

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Migration cPanel to CWP
« on: October 14, 2018, 02:25:35 PM »
I have a VPS with cPanel and want to migrate to CWP but don't want to change IP of my cPanel user account.
to avoid huge downtime, I have set the refresh of my domain to 300 and created two new name servers pointing to the same IP as my user account is using on cPanel.

Can I create a new CWP VPS with same IP as I use in my current cPanel account?

Current situation:
cPanel VPS: x.x.x.150
cPanel user account: x.x.x.151

New situation:
CWP VPS: x.x.x.151
CWP user account: x.x.x.151

ns1.nameserver: x.x.x.151
ns2.nameserver: x.x.x.151

Any help/advise much appreciated.

Re: Migration cPanel to CWP
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2018, 02:36:35 PM »
I would recommend, VPS with different IP, perform the migration and then change to your final ip the new vps, after that restructure the vhost, and all should work

Re: Migration cPanel to CWP
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2018, 02:45:15 PM »
Thanks, but i have read changing IP in CWP vps is not so easy?