I tried 3 more fresh OS installs of CentOS 7 x86-64 minimal and all failed to install CWP. Everytime it stopped with wget trying to connect to configserver.com to get csf.tgz
I worked around that problem by downloading to my PC then manually using wget to get the file from another host I have.
Next I edited the cwp-el7-latest script to comment out the lines
#rm -fv csf.tgz
https://download.configserver.com/csf.tgzThen the script ran and CWP is partly working.
Now I cannot get named.service to install and work. So BIND fails and my DNS does not resolve.
I think my VPS has been given a BAD IP, that is being blocked by configserver.com and some other essential providers.
Looks like MODsecurity cames from configserver.com, and that is now installed
some things are working, but I cannot see the site I added. Apache is OK, FTP is OK but not much else.
Oh what a pain. I will head back to my VPS provider and see if I can get a CLEAN IP for my server.
If that works out, I will sign up for cwp-pro.