Author Topic: ioncube 8.0 and uploadprogress not being compiled in php-fpm 8.0.2  (Read 14403 times)

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Re: ioncube 8.0 and uploadprogress not being compiled in php-fpm 8.0.2
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2021, 03:00:03 AM »
"If you're reporting a bug, that different."

My apologies. Yes I am reporting several bugs here, table for three? - ioncube8.0, uploadprogress, and imagick are not compiling right when selected... (Well uploadprogress is installed but is strangely throwing errors.)

I pay money for this software - I expect you do too. It is not too much to ask that it works as advertised. I know how to and do run LAMP stacks...


Now thank you Sir, that IS helpful:

"Just an FYI.  There is no loader for PHP 8, because ioncube has not made a loader for php8 as of yet.  Just checked the site myself, as I have a license.   When once becomes available, I'm sure CWP will include it."

But CWP should not include the option to install something that doesn't exist yet. If they didn't want to remove the option they could have added text to the line informing people it is not yet available.

Okay so PHP 8 is not ready for release in CWP yet, but software is - that happens, but it would have been simple to make that clear in the compiler settings. Or post it as a thread in the forums or in some sort of documentation... Oh, that's right CWP does not publish changelogs which would have told us this. Oh yeah... Bone of contention for a long time with CWP.

Sorry we got off on such the wrong foot. I will never understand why they created the ioncube.ini with a reference to something nonexistent then. If that were not generated I would likely have never ended up posting as I would have sought the wisdom you did and ran a simple search.

I digress, imagick and uploadprogress still need attention.

Re: ioncube 8.0 and uploadprogress not being compiled in php-fpm 8.0.2
« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2021, 03:12:12 AM »
I totally agree.  They need a better development team, with changelogs and notations.  I as well as others have offered our services to no avail.  Most of the problem is they're hiding behind ioncube, instead of making most of the code open source so that others can bug fix.  But I digress.

As a note, I would say that yes PHP8 should be notated as not fully implemented.  Though 8 is considered stable, it was a complete rewrite of the code, and therefore requires all dependencies to completely rewrite their codes to be compatible.  Most mod developers were prepared, but a good chunk of them are behind the 8 ball.

Have a good night ;)
Google Hangouts:

Re: ioncube 8.0 and uploadprogress not being compiled in php-fpm 8.0.2
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2021, 03:30:43 AM »
Thanks, you too. :)