Author Topic: no domain with new user  (Read 6703 times)

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no domain with new user
« on: January 29, 2019, 04:12:59 PM »
I have a question, I'm using nginx as a web server only, I added the first user and its domain then after logging into the user portal the domain is not listed, I can't add it because it's already in use, what am I doing wrong here 

Re: no domain with new user
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2019, 02:17:37 PM »
Your root website will not show up under Domains > List Domains; it will only appear under User Accounts > List Accounts. If you add domains to that user, they will show up under Domains > List Domains...

That first domain and in fact all domains associated with a new user will not appear under domains. The reason you cannot reach the domain is likely a port conflict with NGINIX. In my case when trying to use NGINIX two things happened. One, the domain was directed to /usr/local/apache/htdocs, so I received the default CWP banner page. And secondly, a website in the default location could not be reached. Due to this misconfiguration, I simply switched back to using Apache as my webserver and have no issues. In doing so, the default first user domain directed properly into the /home/USERNAME/public_html.

NGINIX setup and reverse proxies are difficult to manage by comparison to simple Apache in CWP. There are also a lot of bugs in the setup in addition to the setup being much more difficult.

Re: no domain with new user
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2019, 03:47:16 PM »
thank you, I see that now, it would be nice to have that domain listed and be able to change the path,  I went to the nginx dir with winscp and the vhost file was locked for that domain I fixed it and no results, I use nginx on another server so i'm familiar with it I'll poke around