Author Topic: Setup NS to have CWP handle all DNS  (Read 5265 times)

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Setup NS to have CWP handle all DNS
« on: March 12, 2019, 09:49:21 PM »

I'm new here, also new to CWP, comming from WHM/cPanel. So I'm setting up a new server for testing in DigitalOcean.

In WHM I always use the server as the NS for my domain, and then all other domains point to and This way, all DNS management is done in WHM and in each user cPanel, no more going to each registrar to change things. So to do this in CWP this is how I've been trying, but having some issues:

  • New Centos VPS in Digital Ocean
  • Set as hostname, update centos and install CWP
  • On GoDaddy, go to Manage DNS, then hostnames and add ns1 point to DigitalOcean vps IP, also add ns2 and point to the same IP (coul add second IP, but for testing should not matter)
  • Also in GoDaddy ensure nameservers are changed to and
  • Then go to CWP IP:2087, login and start configuring, set admin e-mail, change NS to and
  • Add new account for (where I will host a website and e-mail)
  • Add other account for and tell client to change NS to and
  • Use panel to add wesites and e-mail accounts just as usual (like in cPanel), manage any DNS records from there (most are preconfigured by CWP, like webamil, ftp, spf, dmarc, etc.)

However, after doing all this, DNS is not resolving correctly, if I go to admin CWP and go to DNS, list DNS zones, I check the zones and they are not resolving correctly, in fact, most of them are not being LOADED because of this.

It has been more than 8 hours since I did all the NS changes in GoDaddy, which in my experience is more than enough for the DNS propagation to occur, maybe I should wait the full 48 hours, but while I wait, I would like to confirm if my configuration above is correct.

What do you think? Any suggestions or better ways to do it?

Re: Setup NS to have CWP handle all DNS
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2019, 03:04:23 AM »
Seems you will need to repair manually your zone file.
Post it here, if you need help.
They are in '/var/named' directory.
