Author Topic: Ultimate setup?  (Read 5640 times)

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Ultimate setup?
« on: March 01, 2015, 08:24:22 AM »
Hello, good day,

I ordered a dedicated server (Intel Core i7-3770 - 32 GB - 2x 3TB). I'm going to install Centos (6.6) and CWP.
I'm going to host WordPress websites (webshops with WooCommerce) mainly on this server.

What would be an ultimate setup?
I want these websites to be ultra fast of course :)

Should I change things? Like using NGINX, MariaDB and PHP-FPM?

Also, some of the shops run import scripts for the products every night. It's quite a heavy script.
It does quite a lot of queries to the MySQL database. Can you recommend tweaks for MySQL (or MariaDB?)
I want it to have a lot of recourses available to process these import jobs at night.

Looking forward to your expert opinions, tips and tweaks.

