I have found the solution.
1.First when install the server go to Server Setings -> Change Host Name:
Chose something like sub domain of the domain that you plan to host the server, something like:
Save changes.
2. Go to DNS Functions -> Edit Nameservers IP's.
Add nameservers you got from the Server provider, like you have to edit DNS nameservers on your domain in the domain panel from provider you have bought the domains.
Mine Nameservers are:
ns1.contabo.net IP:
ns2.contabo.net IP:
Save changes.
3. If you have this problem : DOMAIN POINTS TO /USR/LOCAL/APACHE/HTDOCS INSTEAD OF HOME/USER/PUBLIC_HTML, do all sad n this page.
https://wiki.centos-webpanel.com/default-page-displayed-for-all-domains4. when you type the command ifconfig you should get something like this
That in the red square is the shared IP.
Go to the CWP Setings -> Edit Setings in the Shared IP: put the value from the command
Scrol down to the NAT Local IP: put the real IP from the drop down menu & Check the box Activate NAT-ed network.
5. Reset all services and all should be fine.