Author Topic: Migrate from cPanel don't display correctly web page  (Read 7399 times)

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Migrate from cPanel don't display correctly web page
« on: August 30, 2019, 03:58:19 PM »
Hello everyone,

    Recently I've migrated a cPanel account to CWP, the migration proccess finished ok, but the web page don't display correctly. In my Public IP display the default CWP page, when I modify the url as http://my_public_ip/~account/ I see my home page, but other access to the content don't display, for example to access "faqs page" The browser show me 404 Not Found The requested URL /pages/faqs/ was not found on this server message, the access to this page is http://my_public_ip/pages/faqs/.

    I want to resolve first the redirection http://my_public_ip/~account/ to http://my_public_ip/ and the second one have access to the all page under my domain or my public IP at least.

Best Regards,


Re: Migrate from cPanel don't display correctly web page
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2019, 10:11:12 PM »
http://my_public_ip/~account/ is the apache mod_userdir module and should work fine.
http://my_public_ip/ should work if you do the neccessary changes in the vhost file or put your web files in /usr/local/apache/htdocs( which i dont advise)

You can please contact support to do further checks if the above dont work

Re: Migrate from cPanel don't display correctly web page
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2019, 07:22:55 PM »
Thanks evansa, but I don't know how to configure mod_userdir neither the vhost file to redirect or modify the url visualization.  In the other hands, I have the same problem with other pages, can't be access because the message 404 Not Found The requested URL.



Re: Migrate from cPanel don't display correctly web page
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2019, 06:02:14 PM »
Hi All,

     I have a new problem, I've done a new full backup from Cpanel, but the web page have a secure connection (https) configured, so in Centos WebPanel the migration process finished ok.  My new web page access is through  https://my_ip/~account/ and not http (protocol), now can't access to web page in my public IP, the message shown is Unable to connect, and I couldn't fix the "~" symbol in the url from my web page.

     Anybody can help me with this requirement?

