Author Topic: Migration from cpanel  (Read 13493 times)

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Migration from cpanel
« on: June 22, 2015, 02:33:18 PM »
Migration is not going well and theres not a lot of documentation out there, especially, no video.

I'm not clear on the exact procedure.  Here's what I did.

Full website Backup in cpanel at current host.
Downloaded to my desktop, changed filename to cpmove-scanmyid.tar.gz
Uploaded to home folder with file name cpmove-scanmyid.tar.gz
Went to cpanel migration and selected cpmove-scanmyid.tar.gz and typed in scanmyid in the account username box

A new folder in home dirctory with name of backup-6-21-2015.  Inside that was a structure of:
  • homedir
  • -------public_html
  • ---------------------all of my files
No database files were constructed or users. And no user account was created for scanmyid even though at the end of the migration process I was asked to create new account from restore.

And now when I try to add a new user account I keep getting an error informing I cannot use capital letters even though I am not.

Re: Migration from cpanel
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2015, 10:12:55 AM »
Hey at least you got your files to upload. I cannot even get mine to upload.

Re: Migration from cpanel
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2015, 06:53:21 PM »
you can't change cpanel backup file name, if you do that than it will not work, you file name must be exactly correct generated by cPanel.

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Re: Migration from cpanel
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2015, 11:41:23 PM »
Account Migration from cPanel
Account Migration Instructions

This feature will restore cPanel backups if in one of the following formats:

Example account test: cpmove-test.tar.gz

The files must be in one of the following directories on the server: /home
You must upload the file to one of the above directories before you can use this feature.
cPanel migration module will restore files from public_html folder, mysql databases and mysql users.