Author Topic: All of my Mod security settings gone for ALL sites after CWP auto updated  (Read 10876 times)

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Hi Guys,

I'm feeling a little stressed today as it seems that CWP updated itself over night with a new modsecurity panel with on/off switches for each site. Anyway, when I try to edit the rules per domain there aren't any for any of my demains anymore.

This is seriously bad news as the server is running 10 sites, all with different rules.

Is there a way to find the old rules on the server? Perhaps the update installed in a slightly different directory and I can still find the old rules on my machine.

If I can't find a solution then I'm going to be forced to turn off mod security :( Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You should be better using comodo gui for managing rules. A simple installation can do job and you get gui just like cpanel.

Thanks Bullten, I'll check it out.

But does that mean that my rules from before the update are all gone now? where were the old rules stored? Does anyone know?


I found the old rules for each website in the following directory: /usr/local/apache/userdata/[username]/[].

Each directory has a file called "modsec.conf" in it. That's were the rules before the update were stored. I'm updating the new rule settings now.  :)

Well CWP setup rules in its own way. They save rules on heir server and then the rules get on your server in update. Well using Comodo WAF GUI you get direct instant update from comodo servers and fast. With GUI you can easily manage rules , disable and enable different services just like you do in cpanel. Both CWP and CWAF have their own advantages of using GUI.