Author Topic: Installatron Remote- User Cannot Create Mysql Database...even manually using CWP  (Read 8224 times)

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so i created a new user account in CWP and a blank website for it...setting up auto SSL too.

I ensured that both http and https are resolving correctly for dns (i use A records from my domain registrar to point straight at the CWP server...I dont use CWP nameserver functionality at all, even though it may be enabled by default on my system?)

I went to Installatron remote, enterred all of the correct details and have now come to sudden hault with MYSQL errors...

Code: [Select]
mysql database connection failed:
host = localhost
database = wp-goan
username = goannado_wp-goanna
password = **HIDDEN**
prefix = ktvc_
errstr = array (
0 => false,
1 => NULL,
2 =>
array (
0 => 'mysqli::__construct(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user \'goannado_wp-goanna\'@\'localhost\' (using password: YES) in /home/goannado/public_html/deleteme.dbfnmovma.php[18] (PHP 7.3.3 Linux)',
1 => 'Could not connect to `localhost` using the username `goannado_wp-goanna` and password **HIDDEN** (mysqli) -- [1045] Access denied for user \'goannado_wp-goanna\'@\'localhost\' (using password: YES)',[/i]

I then went back into CWP and i note that it has not created a new database.
So, as the website user, i manually go into mysql and attempt to create a "new user and database".

Centos web panel says it successfully completed the task however, only a new user is created...CWP keeps saying mysql databases= 0/10

I go into phpmyadmin, manually create a new does so, however, refuses to give my user privileges for said database.

I note that CWP still says Mysql 0/10 databases, even though CWP clearly shows databse with no tables in it (even if i log out and log back in...the database is recorded as being there with a valid user[host]???

I go back to mysql, and manage to manually provide the CWP user with privileges for database, go back to phpmyadmin...again "no privileges"?

Hi, try to create DB and user manually.
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