Got is resolved
To change the mysql password for the root user, do the following:
1. unload mysqld.nlm
2. at the console, type: mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables --autoclose
3. at the server console type mysql
This will bring you to the mysql prompt. At this prompt type the following: (Where ******** is the new password, NOTE: the single quotes ARE REQUIRED)
mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('********') WHERE User='root';
Flush privileges will make the change take effect immediately.
You can, in MySQL Version 3.22 and above, use the SET PASSWORD statement: (Where ******** is the new password, NOTE: the single quotes ARE REQUIRED)
shell> mysql -u root mysql
mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR root=PASSWORD('********');
Another way to set the password is by using the mysqladmin command: (Where ******** is the new password)
shell> mysqladmin -u root password ********
shell> mysqladmin flush-privileges