Author Topic: [module] Favorites top bar  (Read 15914 times)

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[module] Favorites top bar
« on: April 05, 2015, 02:42:30 PM »
This module lets you add favorites to the top of your page

Add these lines to the bottom of: /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/3rdparty.php

<!-- Fast access -->
.fast_access .items .op{
   padding-bottom: 0px;

.fast_access .items {
   padding-bottom: 5px;
<li class="inactive fast_access">
   <a href="#" class="bt">
      <span class="icon16 icomoon-icon-star"></span> <span class="txt">Favorites</span>
      <span class="hasDrop icon16 icomoon-icon-arrow-down-2"></span>
   <div class="items">
      <a class="op" href="index.php?module=postfix_queue">Mail Queue</a>
      <a class="op" href="" target="_blank">Google</a>
   $(".fast_access").appendTo(".navbar .nav:first");
   $('.fast_access .bt').click(function(){
      if($('.fast_access .items').is(':visible'))
         $('.fast_access .items').hide();
         $('.fast_access .items').show();
<!-- //Fast access -->

The red lines above are the options you can add to that dropdown menu, if you want to add more, just follow this rules:
<a class="op" href=" [URL goes here - with no spaces between quotes] ">  [Text goes here]  </a>
Add as much as you want :)

Tip: if you want every time to open a specific option on a new page, just add: target="_blank" before the >text option</a>
<a class="op" href="" target="_blank">Google</a>
« Last Edit: April 05, 2015, 02:56:03 PM by pedromidiasf »

Re: [module] Favorites top bar
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2016, 06:46:17 PM »

Como seria para a tela de cliente?


Re: [module] Favorites top bar
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2016, 10:19:19 PM »

Como seria para a tela de cliente?


Nunca programei para "cliente", apesar de existir a pasta tal como na pasta admin não sei se é possivel acrescentar, mas se for, deve funcionar da mesma forma uma vez q a base é a mesma.