Author Topic: Email creation hooks?  (Read 11221 times)

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Email creation hooks?
« on: August 02, 2015, 09:14:24 AM »
Hi all,

I'm setting up a new server based on Centos Webpanel. First of all I want to say CWP is great, I used DA before but CWP has much more features.

However I do have a small problem related to e-mail account creation. I use an external SMTP-service for sending mails. This external service uses authentication, therefore I need to create the same accounts I'm creating on CWP on the external service. This can be done manually, but it would be great if this can be done automatically. So to create a module with this functionality I must use a hook or something like that which receives the created e-mail account and passes those details to the external service. The external service does provide an API, so that shouldn't be the problem, but I don't know how to get those details from CWP.

Any ideas?

