Author Topic: Migrate CWP->CWP  (Read 23291 times)

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Migrate CWP->CWP
« on: December 12, 2015, 03:08:51 PM »
I often need to migrate clients from one server or vps to a new and with cpanel that is done on a matter of minutes using their migration module.

CWP unfortunately doesnīt have such a module and I havenīt found any signs that anybody is working on such a module, I have however found many others that also requests such a module.....

Could that please be listed as an urgent request for a new module in CWP?

It would realy improve the usability of the panel....

Re: Migrate CWP->CWP
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2015, 03:27:31 AM »
I'm working on it, altho i don't have time to finish it at the moment.

But all you have to do is:
- Export data bases (phpmyadmin)
- Export database users (phpmyadmin)
- Backup postfix, root_cwp databases (phpmyadmin)
- Backup /home files
- Backup var/vmail (email folders)
   - After you import email files, process these commands
       chown -R vmail:mail /var/vmail
       find /var/vmail -type f -exec chmod 600 {} \;
       find /var/vmail -type d -exec chmod 700 {} \;
Then backup vhosts and other stuff that you might need

Re: Migrate CWP->CWP
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2016, 02:32:13 PM »
This could be easily done with a couple of steps. Sadly I don't have the "know how" to put it in PHP form and make it execute the shell commands.

*Before rsync-ing ANYTHING, do it with "rsync --dry-run" so it only tests it, and not actually perform the rsync. Best to do this over and over until there isn't a single error.

1) Rsync everything from old server to new server (With the exceptions of "etc/fstab" "etc/network*" "backup*" "proc*" "tmp*" "sys*" "dev*" "mnt*" "boot*" "root*") with the options of -auHxvz and --numeric-ds
2) Need to mysqldump everything to an "all_databases.sql" (Otherwise CWP won't work since the core is in a database) and import it on the new server. Also make note of your old "Phpmyadmin" password, because that will remain the same. You will need that to import the "all_databases.sql" on the new server.
3) Need to copy the users, and groups from the old server to the new server (etc/passwd and etc/group files)
4) Login to new server with your NEW Root password. Remember that it's not the same as the old server.
5) Edit apache v-hosts, apache config, apache SSL vhosts, shared IP address at the bottom of homepage, with the new IP address. Also set your hostname to what your old server use to be. It's best this way. For example if your old server was and your new server is currently set to; after reaching this step update your DNS record for s1 to be the new server's IP and wait for it to go through.

I actually just did this myself, so that's how I know it works. I did notice FTP server number doesn't show up on the homepage now. So that may have fallen off. Not sure, I could ask igor to look at it and see what didn't migrate over and note it here for research purposes.

If you notice something wrong with my information, please do correct me. :) I want to be resourceful for future readers.
Trying to help people :)
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Re: Migrate CWP->CWP
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2016, 09:48:28 AM »
Thanks for the information - it will surely be useful to many users.

But as the other post on this topic shows a dedicated module is being worked on right now and probably will be implemented within shorter time... - thanks pedro..

And a module performing the task was actually what I asked for - not just for me, but for many other users, to make operation and migration of CWP more smoothly and problemless - as seen in cpanel, it can be done just fine and the migration from cpanel to cwp also works just fine - the only thing missing is the module taking care of migration CWP-CWP.

Iīm happy that Pedro is working on it and look forward to this improvement to CWP.

This could be easily done with a couple of steps. Sadly I don't have the "know how" to put it in PHP form and make it execute the shell commands.

*Before rsync-ing ANYTHING, do it with "rsync --dry-run" so it only tests it, and not actually perform the rsync. Best to do this over and over until there isn't a single error.

1) Rsync everything from old server to new server (With the exceptions of "etc/fstab" "etc/network*" "backup*" "proc*" "tmp*" "sys*" "dev*" "mnt*" "boot*" "root*") with the options of -auHxvz and --numeric-ds
2) Need to mysqldump everything to an "all_databases.sql" (Otherwise CWP won't work since the core is in a database) and import it on the new server. Also make note of your old "Phpmyadmin" password, because that will remain the same. You will need that to import the "all_databases.sql" on the new server.
3) Need to copy the users, and groups from the old server to the new server (etc/passwd and etc/group files)
4) Login to new server with your NEW Root password. Remember that it's not the same as the old server.
5) Edit apache v-hosts, apache config, apache SSL vhosts, shared IP address at the bottom of homepage, with the new IP address. Also set your hostname to what your old server use to be. It's best this way. For example if your old server was and your new server is currently set to; after reaching this step update your DNS record for s1 to be the new server's IP and wait for it to go through.

I actually just did this myself, so that's how I know it works. I did notice FTP server number doesn't show up on the homepage now. So that may have fallen off. Not sure, I could ask igor to look at it and see what didn't migrate over and note it here for research purposes.

If you notice something wrong with my information, please do correct me. :) I want to be resourceful for future readers.

Re: Migrate CWP->CWP
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2017, 10:23:11 AM »
For some reason nobody from CWP has had any comments to this and it seems as if Pedro that promised to work on a migration module 18 months ago has stopped developing...?

Anybody working on this feature?

CWP developers: Please make this a priority feature - many need it

Re: Migrate CWP->CWP
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2017, 08:22:19 AM »
There is already a module for this but you are giving the last touches, please be patient ...!

Re: Migrate CWP->CWP
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2017, 09:16:43 AM »
There is already a module for this but you are giving the last touches, please be patient ...!

 ;D  Ok - nice to hear that something is actually happening - this topic was started 18 months ago and I can se many others requesting this feature....

Have just finished a completely manual migration of cwp6->cwp7 without using rsync or similar and that is not a task I would like to do very often as it is so far from what is the actual idea of using a controlpanel instead of all manual coding and work

The whole idea of a controlpanel is to hide all the time consuming tasks behind easily accessible cp links where tasks are performed with almost no user input  --  all automated

But nice to hear that finally a CWP-CWP migration module is being launched...

Any ETA?  :-\