Hello guys,
After having so much problems with integration of WHMCS and CWP I rewrote the WHMCS module almost from zero. Ok, mine also has errors which I will fix and then I will provide it encoded free of charge with all the improvements. For the moment I will provide you a fixed copy from
http://wiki.centos-webpanel.com/cwp-account-api which was the original. In the original one it`s supposed that you have option in WHMCS to register/transfer domain. In the fixed version you don`t need it. If you don`t have option for register/transfer domain then the user domain will become automatic user.your-server-domain-name.tld(ex. johndoe.server.com). If you have the option for registering/transfering domains then the domain will be what the user register/transfer (ex. my-domain-with-you.com).
How to install the script:
1. Download
-> here <- the script in your /path/to/whmcs/modules/servers/ (ex. /home/hosting/public_html/modules/servers/)
2. Unzip it (unzip centoswebpanel.zip)
3. Login to your WHMCS Admin panel
4. Go to Setup -> Product/Services -> Servers
5. Press 'Create New Group' and name it how you want
6. Press 'Add New Server'
7. Scroll down to 'Server Details'
8. On 'Type' choose 'Centoswebpanel'
9. Open in your browser
-> Random.org <- and choose a random generated password
10. Paste this password in the 'Access Hash' field and press 'Save Changes'
11. Paste this password in /usr/local/cwp/.conf/api_key.conf
12. Open /usr/local/cwp/.conf/api_allowed.conf with your favourite editor and enter inside the IP address of the WHMCS (if the WHMCS and CWP are on the same server than enter
13. Go to Setup -> Product/Services -> Product/Services
14. Press 'Create a New Product'
15. Choose and write name of your product
16. Go to 'Module Settings' tab and choose 'Module Name: Centoswebpanel
17. In the settings shown below edit only Package Number (Package Number 1 is package with name 'default' in CWP, if you add new package it will be Package Number 2)
18. Choose 'Do not automatically setup this product' and press 'Save Changes'
Hooray! You are ready!!!
Don`t forget to fix the Pricing of the Product/Service that you offer

If you have any questions or problems please PM me or ask on root@born2host.com
The script is opensource. Tested on WHMCS 6.3.1 and 7.1.2. Have fun!
Please, if you download and use the script, leave a comment how is it working and on what version of WHMCS you tested it. It will be useful for me to fix errors and for other users to know on which versions of WHMCS is tested and working. Thank you.