Author Topic: Apache stops randomly after upgrading to nginx, Vanish, Apache PHP-FPM  (Read 1359 times)

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Trying to find what's causing Apache, and maybe other applications to stop.

I recently switched web server from Apache Only to Nginx, Vanish, Apache PHP-FPM.
The server was running PHP 7.4.latest then I installed and switched to PHP 8.1.

I've noticed several times Apache was stopped,
I can't see any related errors in / usr / local / apache / logs / error_log

I was having a few other issues with websites not loading, tried switching back to Apache Only,
But was unable to start Apache, I've since switched back to Nginx, Vanish, Apache PHP.FPM
The only one that I find stopped is Apache, I can restart Apache if  using Nginx, Vanish, Apache..
I can't start Apache, if Apache Only is selected.

Any tips appreciated


Re: Apache stops randomly after upgrading to nginx, Vanish, Apache PHP-FPM
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2023, 02:14:55 PM »
Any log snippets would be appreciated. Configtest checks out? systemctl status?

Re: Apache stops randomly after upgrading to nginx, Vanish, Apache PHP-FPM
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2023, 10:26:18 PM »
Apache Server Status (live load)
● httpd.service - Web server Apache
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Sun 2023-09-10 03:44:51 IST; 20h ago
 Main PID: 31743 (httpd)
   CGroup: /system.slice/httpd.service
           ├─ 1815 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start
           ├─31743 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start
           ├─31745 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start
           ├─31746 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start
           ├─31796 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start
           └─32215 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start

Sep 10 03:44:42 systemd[1]: Starting Web server Apache...
Sep 10 03:44:51 systemd[1]: Started Web server Apache. [quote

[root@svr1 /]# systemctl status
    State: degraded
     Jobs: 0 queued
   Failed: 1 units
    Since: Fri 2023-09-01 00:31:48 IST; 1 weeks 2 days ago
   CGroup: /
           ├─1 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --switched-root --system --deserialize 22
           │ └─user-0.slice
           │   ├─session-c184201.scope
           │   │ ├─ 6181 /usr/local/centovacast/shoutcast2/sc_serv ../carl_weed/etc/server.conf
           │   │ ├─ 6187 /usr/local/centovacast/sctrans2/sc_trans ../carl_weed/etc/source.conf
           │   │ ├─23292 /usr/local/centovacast/shoutcast2/sc_serv ../csl_a221/etc/server.conf
           │   │ ├─23313 /usr/local/centovacast/sctrans2/sc_trans ../csl_a221/etc/source.conf
           │   │ ├─24072 cc-control [rpc]
           │   │ ├─24081 /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/cc-comet -d -u ccuser -g ccuser /usr/local/centovacast/etc/cc-comet.conf
           │   │ ├─24090 cc-ftpd (SERVER)
           │   │ ├─24106 imaged [master]
           │   │ ├─24108 imaged [worker]
           │   │ └─24109 imaged [worker]
           │   ├─session-c160966.scope
           │   │ ├─12928 /usr/local/centovacast/shoutcast2/sc_serv ../csl_002/etc/server.conf
           │   │ ├─13491 /usr/local/centovacast/shoutcast2/sc_serv ../csl_203/etc/server.conf
           │   │ ├─14178 /usr/local/centovacast/shoutcast2/sc_serv ../csl_204/etc/server.conf
           │   │ └─15010 /usr/local/centovacast/shoutcast2/sc_serv ../csl_209/etc/server.conf
           │   ├─session-c21478.scope
           │   │ ├─32744 /usr/local/centovacast/shoutcast2/sc_serv ../csl_a203/etc/server.conf
           │   │ └─32752 /usr/local/centovacast/sctrans2/sc_trans ../csl_a203/etc/source.conf
           │   ├─session-24900.scope
           │   │ └─12115 /usr/local/centovacast/shoutcast2/sc_serv ../csl_223/etc/server.conf
           │   └─session-1664.scope
           │     ├─ 9741 /usr/local/centovacast/shoutcast2/sc_serv ../csl_405/etc/server.conf
           │     └─22913 /usr/local/centovacast/shoutcast2/sc_serv ../csl_224/etc/server.conf
lines 1-35
« Last Edit: September 10, 2023, 10:48:32 PM by emar »

Re: Apache stops randomly after upgrading to nginx, Vanish, Apache PHP-FPM
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2023, 01:18:05 AM »
Are these the correct commands for configtest?

[root@svr1 /]# /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl configtest
Syntax OK

[root@svr1 /]# /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl -t
Syntax OK
You have new mail

[root@svr1 /]# /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -t
Syntax OK

Could this be the cause, because I just found apache offline again,

[Mon Sep 11 03:13:40.289534 2023] [:notice] [pid 7260:tid 139969124296576] ModSecurity: StatusEngine call failed. Query:

[Mon Sep 11 03:13:40.489500 2023] [ssl:warn] [pid 7321:tid 139969124296576] AH01873: Init: Session Cache is not configured [hint: SSLSessionCache]

I don't see much else in the apache error_log
I guess I cleaned up a lot of crap and not many errors any more.

But syil lhave apache failing and my other proxy for the streaming server.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2023, 02:17:28 AM by emar »