What exactly do you trying to do and for what?
I have the same problem.
So, my CWP panel was configured as:
Nginx & Apache
Additional Options: php-cgi/suphp, nginx/php-fpm, apache/php-fpm, proxy
HTTP: Nginx (80) --> Apache (8181)
HTTPS: Nginx (443) --> Apache (8181)
I want to run a WebSocket application that using localhost address for communication
So I have put a cron job to run my chatserver websocket app using a command:
php index.php chatserver server
Now I can see that the chatserver is run:
Running server on host
But in the browser client side I can see an error like that:
WebSocket connection to 'wss://***.***:8282/?***' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
socket.js?v=***:** WebSocket connection to 'wss://***.***:8282/?***' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
Looks like nginx doesn't let to pass the socket connection on the port 8282.
Could you please to help me to change the nginx configuration file of the specific domain that works over SSL to successfully establish websocket connection to the port 8282 and connected to my localhost chatserver.
I will appreciate for any help.