Author Topic: Aliases that referring only to one website  (Read 8488 times)

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Aliases that referring only to one website
« on: June 11, 2014, 01:26:25 AM »

I am new to this CentOS Web Panel, and tried other web panel but no luck so far with my current configurations.

I have one website but don't have access on the DNS server which I can't create a subdomain. Right now bit confused on my configurations on howto in which the my users able to create their own website by their own alias (referring to <website>/their name e.g.> I wanted it to integrate to the web panel to make it easier for the users to manage their files and their mysql data. So users can able to implement their own content management system (like drupal, wordpress, joomla) without interfering other users.

I used to create a script for this, that will create a user with ftp access, their own database and jailroot. As mentioned above through this template... myWebsite/group/user   -->

Hope can someone give insights on how to do it via web panel? Or any suggestions on what to do.


Re: Aliases that referring only to one website
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2014, 03:32:33 AM »
If i have correctly understood, it is related to ServerAlias. Is CentOS Web Panel able to support this? any insights for alternative if not supported.

Re: Aliases that referring only to one website
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2014, 08:04:58 PM »
you can manually add alias for each user (using apache vhost editor) or you can build module for that very easy in php
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