Author Topic: Completely stuck not able to login to Admin after rest password  (Read 89 times)

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Completely stuck not able to login to Admin after rest password
« on: February 28, 2025, 07:13:57 PM »
Dear Friends,

Some days before i upgraded my MariaDB from the moment I was not able to open Phpmyadmin it showing 404 Not Found. So search here and on post i saw rest the root password from the admin and everything will work . After reset root password now iam not able to login Admin panel. I DONT KNOW what to do so some body please help me. PLEASE

OS: AlmaLinux 9

Re: Completely stuck not able to login to Admin after rest password
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2025, 09:19:10 PM »
I think MaraiDB/MySQL upgrade couldn't cause the error 404.

You get the error 404 because you use a wrong URL to access PHPMyAdmin or some config files of CWP are corrupted/removed.

What error do you get when you try to access the CWP admin panel ( ?

How did you perform MySQL/MariaDB upgrade ? Can you show the instructions used by you ?

Dear cyberspace,

I used an upgrade comment line for MariaDB which was found in a post and now i didn't have it. After upgrade

iam getting an notification like this on every login " MySQL bad configuration detected, check from the console by using mysql command !!! " but everything worked smoothly. what i noticed is process is showing hike in resource usage. and when you try

to open PHPMyAdmin getting this error page " 404 Not Found Please contact your hosting provider to correct issues causing this website to be offline. " . Now what is the situation iam facing is i changed the admin or root password, after that i can't login to

admin interface, i was able to login to FTPS and SSH using the new password but admin interface login is not working. So first of all all i need to know how i can gain access to admin login . The new password i set was not working in the login screen .

I think MaraiDB/MySQL upgrade couldn't cause the error 404.

You get the error 404 because you use a wrong URL to access PHPMyAdmin or some config files of CWP are corrupted/removed.

What error do you get when you try to access the CWP admin panel ( ?

How did you perform MySQL/MariaDB upgrade ? Can you show the instructions used by you ?

Why i changed the password is because in a post in this thread i saw some one say if you change admin password from the admin interface everything will work but it was a bad thing i ever done so please let me know in which file or where i can check the new password for admin login is stored if you can tell me the complete path that will be helpfull as iam a beginner.

i tried below command and getting this

[root@vp ~]# sh /scripts/cwp_update_admin
curl: (28) Failed to connect to port 80: Connection timed out
cat: /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/version.txt: No such file or directory

your root password is your ssh root password.  However, you cannot put html special charatters (&"'<>) in your password, or it will not allow login.
Google Hangouts:

I changed the password again now using command : passwd my new password didn't have any special character but after that also the admin login still showing login failed
your root password is your ssh root password.  However, you cannot put html special charatters (&"'<>) in your password, or it will not allow login.