Dear cyberspace,
I used an upgrade comment line for MariaDB which was found in a post and now i didn't have it. After upgrade
iam getting an notification like this on every login " MySQL bad configuration detected, check from the console by using mysql command !!! " but everything worked smoothly. what i noticed is process is showing hike in resource usage. and when you try
to open PHPMyAdmin getting this error page " 404 Not Found Please contact your hosting provider to correct issues causing this website to be offline. " . Now what is the situation iam facing is i changed the admin or root password, after that i can't login to
admin interface, i was able to login to FTPS and SSH using the new password but admin interface login is not working. So first of all all i need to know how i can gain access to admin login . The new password i set was not working in the login screen .
I think MaraiDB/MySQL upgrade couldn't cause the error 404.
You get the error 404 because you use a wrong URL to access PHPMyAdmin or some config files of CWP are corrupted/removed.
What error do you get when you try to access the CWP admin panel ( ?
How did you perform MySQL/MariaDB upgrade ? Can you show the instructions used by you ?