Author Topic: Creating server from Digitalocean snapshot  (Read 3771 times)

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Creating server from Digitalocean snapshot
« on: March 06, 2021, 07:20:57 PM »
Hi all
I have created a snapshot on DigitalOcean for my server controlled by cwp
If I create a live server from that snapsot, What changes Should I make for newly created server from snapshot to work properly
For example, all ip addresses  must be changed with new server IP address on apache and nginx conf files
Are there any changes I should make like above?

Re: Creating server from Digitalocean snapshot
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2021, 11:13:07 PM »
I've never done it, but I would suppose that you change the hostname, nameservers, and ip's, then rebuild the vhosts.  But that's not something CWP would even support.  They would suggest you setup and new server, then use CWP->CWP.  The only issue is that email is not transfered.
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