Author Topic: CWP hacked, how to change password and recover access using SSH  (Read 9789 times)

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I hope somebody can help me.
My VPS which I run with CWP has been hacked, websites and tracking systems destroyed.
The hacker has also disabled my password, so I can not gain access to CWP admin.
I did have backups enabled in the CWP Admin panel.
Is there a way to restore backups using SSH?
Alternatively, I tried changing password using SSH, but I get this error after "retype new password"
"Authentication token manipulation error", so the new password is not accepted.
Please help ::)

Re: CWP hacked, how to change password and recover access using SSH
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2017, 03:14:00 PM »
if core files are changed you need to reinstall the OS, ***take backups

Re: CWP hacked, how to change password and recover access using SSH
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2017, 08:50:28 AM »
Do U have idea how it could be hacked ?
From CWP or direct from easy password