It is possible to go back to old forum skin??
Even if new bootstrap looks cool, it has a too wide skin, so i have to move my eyes too much to read things that was easier using old skin. Also removed unread from forum index, because if i wanna see them i will click unread's link

Also, gray letters over another gray background... bad idea.
I made a basic GreaseyMonkey script to condense style up to 60% of screen with a 600px min width. It's not the best solutions, but it works...
If you wanna use it, just create new script, paste that and save:
// ==UserScript==
// @name CWP forum style tweaker
// @namespace cwpforumstyletweaker
// @version 0.1
// @description tweaks new cwp forum bootstrap style to condensed
// @author erm3nda
// @match*
// @grant none
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
//////start JQuery Compatibility statement//////
this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);
//////end JQuery Compatibility statement//////
// Main tweak, condense all to 60%
$('.wrapper').css('min-width', '600px');
// remove #desno div content and fill div with main table content
$('table.table_list').width('100%'); // default is 75%
// for post view, remove gray background, add a little padding-left
$('div.inner').css('padding-left', '1em');
$('div.inner').css('background', '#fafafa');