CWP has not that intelligence ;-) lol
when I did my first compile/rebuild I discovered in the log some missing programs, so I added the following, yum install -y ed re2c just make sure you check the log files for any missing ones.
I sugggest you secure /tmp in this way
nano /etc/fstab, as you can see I have added some setting when you compare mine with yours.
The noatime makes it even faster as it avoids writing access time, no need for temp files... just read up about that parameter ;-)
UUID=48e6de4c8ed0a /tmp ext4 defaults,noatime 1 2
UUID=231f1115b0c6c2 swap swap defaults,noatime 0 0
tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults,noexec,nosuid,nodev,noatime 0 0
Even better would be to create a seperated partition for /tmp so it is out of reach for your system, but still protect it as suggested, it really depends how strict you want to be in security, but with suPHP and modsecurity you are a little bit better off.
Install all the rest like maldet, rkhunter, rootkit and so on...
Hope that helps you.