The problem was found in the ICU version - because of the use of prestashop, I had to compile the latest version of ICU, version 63.1...
I did so by following and applying the help my colleagues gave to the following address:
http://forum.centos-webpanel.com/php/update-icu-system-package-and-the-intl-php-extension/msg20852/#msg20852and more precisely, in the following terms:
[root@cwp7 source]# yum list available | grep libicu
libicu.i686 50.1.2-15.el7 base
libicu-devel.i686 50.1.2-15.el7 base
libicu-doc.noarch 50.1.2-15.el7 base
[root@cwp7 ~]# icuinfo | grep version
<param name="version">50.1.2</param>
<param name="version.unicode">6.2</param>
<param name="cldr.version">22.1.1</param>
<param name="tz.version">2012j</param>
Well 50.1.2 the latest version of icu available for centos 7 base repository.
If you need any other version then you need to compile it from source (http://download.icu-project.org/files/icu4c/).
So lets take 62.1 version and compile it.
cd /usr/local/src
wget http://download.icu-project.org/files/icu4c/62.1/icu4c-62_1-src.tgz
tar -xvf icu4c-*.tgz
cd icu/source/
sed -i '/#define __UCONFIG_H__/a #define UCONFIG_ENABLE_PLUGINS 1' common/unicode/uconfig.h
./configure --prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --libdir=/usr/lib64 --datadir=/usr/share --enable-plugins
make -j4 && make install
[root@cwp7 source]# icuinfo | grep version
<param name="version">62.1</param>
<param name="version.unicode">11.0</param>
<param name="cldr.version">33.1</param>
<param name="tz.version">2018e</param>
More compiling options can be found inside "configure" and you can use as per your need.
This version of ICU works with PHP 7 and later, but it did not work with PHP 5.6.38 - 40 ... and when compiling with the PHP selector does not get ...
When removed the "INTL" from option list, the version 5.6.40 is installed without problems ...
With PHP Switcher I have installed a version of PHP 7.2.14 and there things are ok ...
Before I changed the ICU version to 63.1 with the other PHP-FPM selector I have compiled a version of PHP 5.6.38 and it is still active and uses the old version of ICU 50.1
This means I have both ICU versions, but when compiling an older version of a PHP, for example, 5.6.38 or 5.6.40 should be said to use the older ICU or maybe in the compilation of the PHP and choosing the "INTL" module should be told to which version of the ICU should be compiled ...
Thanks in advance!