Hello , we are trying to setup SPLIT Delivery using Gmail And CWP email client . We used these guide from gmail
https://support.google.com/a/answer/2685650?hl=en#zippy=%2Croute-messages-with-split-deliveryOur goal is to have some emails in GSuite and some email from CWP email client that use one business domain.
Gsuite Email Accounts
- gsuite1@example.com
- gsuite2@example.com
CWP Email Accounts
- cwp1@example.com
- cwp2@example.com
We tried to follow the instruction from google and we don't have any problem when sending and receiving in Gsuite emails but we got some error / Bounce when sending to emails that using CWP Postfix as email server.
sample@gmail.com -> gsuite1@example.com = WORKING
gsuite1@example.com -> gsuite2@example.com = WORKING
cwp1@example.com -> gsuite1@example.com = WORKING
sample@gmail.com -> cwp1@example.com = NOT WORKING / BOUNCE
gsuite1@example.com -> cwp1@example.com = NOT WORKING / BOUNCE
Check this error screenshot :
https://snipboard.io/oK1eZb.jpg554 5.7.1 <email.com>: Relay access deniedmy other settings in cwp mail server
1. Mail Routing = Remote
2. I added DNS MX records of google to my domain (example.com).
Any ideas how to fix these error?