Hello very good here I am again with a doubt. I have deactivated all the pages to verify that they were not the cause of this attempt to send mail and I believe that it is the system that tries to communicate with the domain walkerj235.com to what is due if I have not automated such sending?
Feb 21 09:46:32 cloud postfix/smtpd[12521]: warning: hostname walkerj235.com does not resolve to address
Feb 21 09:46:32 cloud postfix/smtpd[12521]: connect from unknown[]
Feb 21 09:46:35 cloud postfix/smtpd[12521]: warning: unknown[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Feb 21 09:46:35 cloud postfix/smtpd[12521]: lost connection after AUTH from unknown[]
Feb 21 09:46:35 cloud postfix/smtpd[12521]: disconnect from unknown[]