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Messages - irix

Pages: [1]
IP Manager is beta-quality currently. Use nmtui in a shell to add/manage IPs:

Thanks, this worked out.
I did notice the Beta part, but as it worked on CentOS 7 I thougt it might work on Almalinux 8 as well, but it didn't.

Hi all,

Fresh install on Almalinux 8.9 I try to add IP addresses to the server. I have 4 IP addresses on this server.
I had an installation before on CentOS 7 and there it worked perfectly.
Now on Almalinux 8.9 CWP will tell me the IP has been added (and it creates a config file for it in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ but it never shows up in CWP and I can only add the IPs that are listed to my domains or users (which is the shared IP and 1 IP I added). All others don't seem to exist. What's going wrong and how can I fix it?

I am also unable to remove an IP and I get this error message when I try:

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/modules/ip_manager.php on line 0

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