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Messages - ghoste

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CentOS 7 Problems / Re: Disk Quota
« on: June 16, 2022, 08:53:39 AM »
unfortunately this problem is not solved even now, I also opened tickets but I see that priority has for example: Streaming Manager: Shoutcast + Icecast + AutoDJ, that this was needed for the development of cwp panel and not the needs and problems reported in tickets and on the forum

copy paste documentation from 3 different places,
I say decide how right it is?
rGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX = "crashkernel = auto = cl / root = cl / swap rhgb quiet rootflags = uquota, pquota" and "/ dev / mapper / centos_root-home / home xfs defaults, usrquota, grpquota 0 0 ", if the admin says that the centos 7 server is not configured correctly, why not put the correct documentation here, from the server configuration (how to make partitions ...), grub configuration, fstab ... so on

Updates / Re: Problems with update
« on: May 21, 2022, 07:13:51 AM »
hey admin! Does it take longer to fix the problems? I have 18 servers + 3 more in another location and I look at them like an ox at a new gate. What are we doing ? do we switch to cPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, InterWORX?
The updates have been crashing lately, please let us know in advance if the CWP project will end, just like VESTACP

what issue do you have with the server, have you checked before real top usage before from the shell ?
That top 5 processes in cwp dashboard is related to some ajax slower response and not the real issue.

you mean we're all talking nonsense here and cwp pro panel is fine, it works perfectly, we agreed in private to make posts, i pay cwp pro licenses for all servers, i have low expectations from cwp this problem needs to be fixed, say here in front of everyone, to know what we have to do, I have been working with cwp pro for 6, 7 years, it would be a shame to give it up.

Updates / Re: Problems with update
« on: May 20, 2022, 06:34:41 PM »
hey admin! Does it take longer to fix the problems? I have 18 servers + 3 more in another location and I look at them like an ox at a new gate. What are we doing ? do we switch to cPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, InterWORX?
The updates have been crashing lately, please let us know in advance if the CWP project will end, just like VESTACP

Updates / Re: Problems with update
« on: May 19, 2022, 05:57:18 AM »
18 servers with cwp pro, all are over 63% CPU, please solve the problem as soon as possible and next time do not update without testing them.

Dovecot / Re: Failed to restart dovecot.service: Unit not found.
« on: October 05, 2021, 07:03:37 PM »
if you haven't tried it yet :

1. configure own nameservers (if any)
2. you set the hostname correctly (the ssl certificate is also generated automatically)
3. then from cwp panel -> Email-> MailServer Manager -> (here you choose what services you want to install - ClamAV, Amavis & Spamassassin and Installs DKIM & SPF, enables DKIM for New Accounts and Domains and Installs Policyd, enables hourly email limit per domain.)
4. click the (Rebuild Mail Server) button

CentOS 7 Problems / Re: Disk Quota
« on: October 04, 2021, 08:00:01 AM »
if you have emails on the same partition as /home then they use the same quota and users can't get over the quota

Please do not say that the solution is to move /var/vmail to /home/vmail :  :-\
How loud do we have to shout to solve this problem?
Why don't you give an official explanation? I'm starting to think that sometimes you lie to cwp pro users or give some solutions that have already been tested or tried, just to answer the problems, but you know you don't really have any solution.
You know very well what the priority problems are and they must be solved, unless this project that I have trusted for many years stops.

CentOS 7 Problems / Re: Quota
« on: September 14, 2021, 08:25:37 PM »
ahoracioadolfo you can test can help you -

I tested a variant, when configuring the server, when you make the partitions, you opt for manual configuration and mount only /swap - recommended (2 x ram memory), /boot (1GB, but I put 2GB all the time) and the maximum space for root( / )

Then install cwp and follow the steps:

Activate quota as XFS for /home
in CWP.admin go to Left Menu -> Server Settings --> Disk Quota , and set
Quota Partition: /home
Quota Type: xfs
After which you can create a hosting package, make a user or modify for an existing user, and it will display your quota, but here are some problems, if you enter as root manager, it will show you the wrong quota, if you log in as a user, it will show you the correct quota, but it doesn't take into account the email limit, meaning you have a 5gb hosting package, the site takes up 1gb of space and the emails exceed the remaining 4gb, the services work correctly
to block the operation of the mail according to the hosting plan, you can for example run this command:
-example :  xfs_quota -x -c 'limit bsoft=4000M bhard=4000M USER' /home

in our case, the mails are in /var/vmail on the root partition ( / )
xfs_quota -x -c 'limit bsoft=4000M bhard=4000M demouser' /

when the space for the user "demouser" on the root partition (/), reaches 4 GB, he can no longer send any email, and according to the 5 Gb hosting plan (I said 1gb website + 4gb mail) can no longer load nothing on the site ... (I hope I expressed myself correctly :))))))

CentOS 7 Problems / Re: Quota
« on: September 14, 2021, 07:38:24 PM »
Hi, I don't want to discourage you but it doesn't work, so I tried all sorts of options, without success
There is probably a solution but it is for money, you buy a service that also contains the quota configuration
I'm tired of searching, I also posted here on the forum but I receive evasive answers
The scheme of the partitions matters a lot, only this is not specified by anyone, the sites have as root /home/user/public_html, the emails are in /var/vmail
What do you do if you have a domain that uses a lot of mail, the root partition fills up, you have the shitty solution to symlink to /var/vmail to /home/vmail which I don't recommend
Hello, administrators and developers, what partition scheme do you recommend for a raid-1 480 GB SSD? in which the client has 100gb emails? mounted separately /var? & /home? , or leave full space on root (/)? , this to work quota according to the hosting plan
Please answer this question and give a solution...if you have, before installing cwp panel pro, when installing centos 7 minimal, which is the scheme of recommended partitions on a sdd 480 gb

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Re: Disk quota issues
« on: September 02, 2021, 06:53:27 AM »
the calculation for the quota is wrong, you can see here discussions about this problem that will not be solved too soon;topicseen

I am waiting for the solution, how long does it last?

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: Mailbox usage bug?
« on: August 30, 2021, 06:54:37 AM »
nothing has been resolved, if you log in with root and go directly to -email-> Email Accounts- you will see that the quota looks wrong, if you log in to any of the users created, yes you are right Anderson Alipio, exactly what happens you posted above, quota 0.
I also tested this:

edit the main dovecot file
nano /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
and make sure
mail_location = maildir:/home/%u/%d/%n
save and exit

edit this one
nano /etc/dovecot/dovecot-mysql.conf

and change all the /var/vmail links to the path you need mine is posted bellow

# following should all be on one line.
password_query = SELECT username as user, password, concat('/home/%d/', maildir) as userdb_home, concat('maildir:/home/%d/', maildir) as userdb_mail, 101 as userdb_uid, 12 as userdb_gid FROM mailbox WHERE username = '%u' AND active = '1'

# following should all be on one line
user_query = SELECT concat('/home/%d/', maildir) as home, concat('maildir:/home/%d/', maildir) as mail, 101 AS uid, 12 AS gid, CONCAT('*:messages=0:bytes=', quota) as quota_rule FROM mailbox WHERE username = '%u' AND active = '1'

iterate_query = SELECT username AS user FROM mailbox

But unfortunately it doesn't work properly, errors occur, it definitely needs to be modified in a lot of places and if you rebuild your mail services, all the settings need to be redone

it doesn't work ... don't try on production, the e-mail boxes should be in /home/USER/mail correctly, as I said before as in cPanel ...
For studio4host and josemnunez, you know how quota works in cPanel, this change should be made to cwp, I think this is a priority.

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: Mailbox usage bug?
« on: August 25, 2021, 01:28:00 PM »
I also put pictures to see what happens

in the third image, in vain I limit the space for each email box, because the user can enter at any time to put 0 MB, and it goes unlimited

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: Mailbox usage bug?
« on: August 25, 2021, 07:28:41 AM »
ok, I have a subnet now of ip, I have to put 15 more servers in the rack and I have to configure them, from what I see in the tutorial, to make a symlink to /vmail, so will the mail quota work correctly? for example, if I make a 5Gb hosting package, and assign it to a user, when it reaches 5GB of space occupied by email, does the e-mail service still work? if the user in the currency in which he creates a new mail box and leaves 0 MB quota? what's going on? .... it has unlimited space ... only that the mails are no longer in /var/vmail, that they will be in /home/vmail ..
I tested this too, I read for weeks the whole cwp forum related to email quota .... you don't have a solution, please don't be upset, but you said 4 or 5 years ago that this problem will be solved even if you look on the forum it's not just me waiting ... I'm sorry

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: Mailbox usage bug?
« on: August 25, 2021, 06:09:34 AM »
Thank you for answering, but I tried all the options, I put a virtual test machine configured fresh, I tried the variants for xfs partition user-quotas /, but you don't understand, a cwp user can edit the space allocated for each box in the user control panel, and for example for instead of 1000 MB it puts 0 MB and then unlimited them.

Because the mails are stored in /var/vmail, when configuring each server I mounted the /var partition separately and allocated 200GB of space and so it now works on 15 cwp pro servers and the users and sites are on /home/USER/public_html

Why not modify cwp pro, when a new USER is created, to put everything in the /home partition.
The mails should be in /home/USER/mail, just like in cPanel, then when we have a 10 GB hosting package, the space is full, the mail doesn't work anymore.

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: Mailbox usage bug?
« on: August 24, 2021, 07:07:34 AM »
I greet you with respect, 4 years have passed maybe better, how long do we have to wait until the problem with the e-mail storage space is solved? even now it doesn't work, for example on a domain that I allocated for the 3GB hosting plan, the e-mail shows that it has exceeded by 465% the e-mail quota, but the e-mail works.
if I change the space on each email box, for example I limit it to 500 MB per email box, the user can change it to 0 Mb and it goes unlimited, please let me know when you think this problem is solved, I see that cwp developers are deals with other projects
- cPanel DNS Cluster Ingration
- CWP Cluster (Multi-Server Manager)
- Multi-Language and Multi-Template support for the CWP Admin panel
- Integration with Blesta and WiseCP
by no means solving this rather serious problem.
normally it should be created at the time the hosting plan is created, that space should be allocated for the website and e-mail, or the e-mail accounts should be created in / home / user / not in / var / vmail / and when in which you set the quota of 0 MB on the e-mail box so that the mail no longer works

Information / Re: quota in CWP
« on: August 24, 2021, 07:06:13 AM »
I greet you with respect, 4 years have passed maybe better, how long do we have to wait until the problem with the e-mail storage space is solved? even now it doesn't work, for example on a domain that I allocated for the 3GB hosting plan, the e-mail shows that it has exceeded by 465% the e-mail quota, but the e-mail works.
if I change the space on each email box, for example I limit it to 500 MB per email box, the user can change it to 0 Mb and it goes unlimited, please let me know when you think this problem is solved, I see that cwp developers are deals with other projects
- cPanel DNS Cluster Ingration
- CWP Cluster (Multi-Server Manager)
- Multi-Language and Multi-Template support for the CWP Admin panel
- Integration with Blesta and WiseCP
by no means solving this rather serious problem.
normally it should be created at the time the hosting plan is created, that space should be allocated for the website and e-mail, or the e-mail accounts should be created in / home / user / not in / var / vmail / and when in which you set the quota of 0 MB on the e-mail box so that the mail no longer works

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