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Messages - lumares

Pages: [1]
Installation / Re: new account domains will only show CWP Test page
« on: September 29, 2019, 12:36:19 PM »
Another update.

So after testing and some trail and error, deleted an account and recreated it.

Now I noticed HTTP requests do work and show the webpage. however some main account https domains stil show the default page (while the http version does work).

Almost ready and done to try a complete reïnstall or just go back to DA.

ps: I have a CWP pro account.

Installation / Re: new account domains will only show CWP Test page
« on: September 28, 2019, 10:03:32 AM »
Ok, found the settings and they are correct. The domain points to the exact same directory as the extra domains.

It looks like some kind of caching is causing this?

Installation / Re: new account domains will only show CWP Test page
« on: September 27, 2019, 06:54:25 PM »
Thank you for your reply.

However the problem is, there already is no index.html anymore, I've already removed it.
But the main domain is still showing the default page.


I have a main account with a domainA and created 2 extra domains (DomainB and DomainC) all pointing to the same website/directory.

DomainA -> shows default page, no matter what I do it keeps showing the default page.
DomainB & DomainC -> shows the website I have installed.

Where can I find the Apache config for the main domain? Been looking but not finding. Why is it so easy to edit extra domains but not the main account domains.

Installation / Re: new account domains will only show CWP Test page
« on: September 14, 2019, 06:08:50 PM »
Thank you for your reply,

I did remove the index.html files early on, problem persists.

Where could I check the file locations of the account domains? The added domains are quite easy to delete and reset in the UI but they seem to work ok.

Installation / new account domains will only show CWP Test page
« on: September 14, 2019, 03:19:15 PM »
I have been searching for a solution, found a few but nothing helped.

I have installed a clean server with CWP, when I create an account with a domainname, the domain wil keep showing the default test page.

But when I add a second, third or ... any number of extra domains and point them to the directory, they do work?

So main accounts domains will show test page
added extra domains pointed to the public directory do work and show the website.

I have been looking, any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

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