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Messages - codePlum

Pages: [1]
CSF Firewall / Re: my firewall appears disable
« on: August 01, 2024, 03:36:26 PM »
I am running Centos9

1. Verify iptables Installation and Path:

Check if iptables is installed:

sudo which iptables
sudo yum install iptables (RedHat/CentOS)

Check your path in csf.conf:
sudo nano /etc/csf/csf.conf
IPTABLES = "/sbin/iptables"

sudo systemctl restart csf

If it still does not start in CWP Panel / firewall - force restart

that, it was just to change the message as it has in the php selector, but I'm still happy that the license value is accessible to everyone  :) :)

Yes, I fully agree, thanks.

Yip, I also just solved the issue and bought the PRO license. As you said, there are no details stating you need a pro license to access the reseller module.

The message is really misleading "You are not authorized to use this module (reseller) - Contact Server Admin" it would have saved tons of time if they just indicated like the other features PRO LICNESE required.

Hello, I have checked and all users have reseller privileges but I still have the same error "You are not authorized to use this module (reseller)- Contact Server Admin".

From my understanding, I would need to upgrade to CWP PRO! is this true or not?

Stay safe, and thank you in advance.


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