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Messages - Thorth

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Postfix / Re: connection refused to a domain on another virtual machine
« on: September 23, 2024, 05:05:45 PM »
Thanks for your reply.

Basically i have an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) where i can make VM, VPN, etc.
IaaS managing for me DDOS, mirroring servers, back-up space, etc. (at a big lvl)

On that console i set the network adapter for in/out from public IP to private IP in any direction with any port, so not using the NAT ip from CentOS WebPanel.

rDNS is set for the main domain and IP of the server.

I also set Dmark, SPF, DKIM, based on the several online tools, my email server is set correctly.

I can send emails for any other domains that are outside my VM (gmail, yahoo, ymail, etc) and everything is working like a charm.

I ran into a similar problem when i try to curl from VM1 to VM2, i added in /etc/hosts the domain with the local ip and curl work perfectly. I'm wondering if i have to do something similar.

Also 25, 465, 587 are open both direction, do i need to add in some conf file the same option like i did in /etc/hosts?

E-Mail / Re: Can email other servers, but not my other CWP server
« on: September 23, 2024, 02:53:21 PM »
I have the same issue, two virtual machine each with his own public IP.
Connection refused between domains hosted on those vm.
I just post a topic on "postfix".
Only thing i see in log "Connection refused".
Did u solved your issue ?

Postfix / connection refused to a domain on another virtual machine
« on: September 23, 2024, 02:42:09 PM »
Hi there.

First i want to explain the situation.I have 2 virtual machine.

  • VM1: have 1 public IP pointing to
  • VM2: have 1 public IP (diff from VM1) pointing to

I can send emails to yahoo, gmail, etc, doesn't matter where, everything work, but if i want to send an email from a domain on VM1 to another domain on VM2 the connections is refused, cannot send it. This situation happen in both ways(VM1 to VM2 also VM2 to VM1).

I look in the mailog and i only got 1 msg "connection refused".

I don't know what to add or put so i can send emails from VM1 to VM2 and vice-versa.
Any ideas?
thanks in advanced

E-Mail / Re: Compact or archive emails
« on: July 07, 2024, 08:06:20 AM »
thanks for info  ;D

E-Mail / Compact or archive emails
« on: July 05, 2024, 10:37:10 AM »

Is there a way to minimize or archive e-mails on server, a tool, command or smt ?
I'm asking since an email is like 10G each on server, some of them are from 5 years ago and don't need them on current server.

I found the folder locations where are stored on server and i see them.


What do u suggest to do ?
Thanks in advanced!

Other / Re: Cache page ?
« on: August 18, 2023, 04:13:42 PM »
hmm... this i did not try it, i will try and see, thanks

Other / Re: Cache page ?
« on: July 31, 2023, 07:52:21 AM »
So no idea, why this happen ?

Other / Cache page ?
« on: July 26, 2023, 10:37:44 AM »
Hi there.

Well i have a situation and i don't know what do to with it or how to solved and start to irritate me.

So i have a server (server is working perfectly with no problems - so it's ok) with some domains/subdomains.
I choose as WebServer: Nginx & Apache, then create a domain/subdomain file in WebServer Domain Conf, i set there nginx->phpfpm7.4.

Again as i said it before work without any problem so the config are just ok.

What is issue when i do a small modification to a page (as eg. i misspell a word, or try put to a new img. in some template, etc), i use file manager from centos (try with ftp client also) the effect online take between 15s-45s (even more like 1min +) is not instant.
I know for many 15-45 is not that much but when u do this a lot start to see it.
I'm thinking is caching the pages, but i stop the cache from nginx, varnish is not on or install.

So any ideas why is doing this? and not all centos server are doing, i made one locally on a virtual machine and is working like a charm(no delay at all), i did 2nd centos server locally on a diff. virtual machine and is delay.
What i'm missing?

Thanks in advanced.

SSL / Re: SSL: 2nd user
« on: March 15, 2021, 07:44:35 AM »
I think I got it  ;D 8)
After several weeks off reinstall finally I got it.
In the next days I'll post the entire flow I did, so maybe others will need it  ;D

SSL / Re: SSL: 2nd user
« on: March 14, 2021, 09:49:15 PM »
I reinstall the entire server again.
And I have NAT active.
Now idk why the SSL is ok if I use Apache only webserver, when I change to Nginx & Apache webserver, again everything is wrong, absolutely everything is wrong, SSL, not even the index.php is not reading correctly ....  :-[

SSL / Re: SSL: 2nd user
« on: March 14, 2021, 09:46:00 AM »

So my virtual machine works this way.
My ISP give me a group of public IPs, those IPs are pointing to a virtual machine. On that VM I assigned 2 IPs.

The flow is:

Public IP1 ---> go to ISP datacenter ---> my first internal IP of my VM : 192.160.0.*
Public IP2 ---> go to ISP datacenter ---> my second internal IP of my VM : 192.160.0.*

on IP1 ==> User 1 on CWP  ==> the main domain(hostname) of server ==> SSL valid, is Ok.
on IP2 ==> User 2 on CWP  ==> a domain (with subdomains) that handle my App. ==> SSL not valid, Common Name (CN) problem, in certificate appeared the hostname of the server, so the SSL is not Ok.

I tested the ports of both IP, and they are Ok.
I attached a pic, with the result of scanning. Also a result of the SSL testing result

Hope u got any idea what to test next, or what to do :)


SSL / SSL: 2nd user
« on: March 13, 2021, 08:31:29 AM »
I think I did something wrong, or I don't know how to config correctly.
I have a server with 2 public IP, let say Ip1 & Ip2.

   =>   is used for hostname, access CWP panel, etc
   =>   is used for shared Ip for server
   =>   I create a user that handle the main domain that is mapped on this
   =>   the auto SSL created for this domain is Ok, valid, etc

   =>  I create a another user for another domain
   =>  That domain have multiple subdomains
   =>  my web app is for this second domain

The auto SSL for the second user, mapped on Ip2, is not valid, I got a Common Name (CN) mismatch, the hostname for server appeared in certificate.

What i did wrong, or what i didn't config correctly.
Please advice.

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