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Messages - Fernando2350

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CentOS 7 Problems / Re: PHP version Switcher not working
« on: August 10, 2023, 03:32:09 AM »
Hi everyone! First of all, I am running a VPS using Centos 7 and obviously CWP7 free version, completely managed by me. I have a complete daily server backup for the last seven days, so I can easily recover from any of my frequent tests and mistakes. Having said this, I felt really frustrated about this issue (Not been able to make free CWP7 PHP switcher to work).
The situation was that I was running PHP 7.1.19 version and needed to upgrade to 8.0. I tried many time to make it work but it didnīt.

I solved it using the following actions:
0. Please, please be sure you have all your server content properly backed up. Do not proceed with following steps otherwise.
1. By mistake, I removed PHP 7.1.19 (I think I run "yum remove "php*" -y" applying some tutorial omn this matter).
2. Then I asked PHP switcher to switch from nothing to PHP 7.2. It installed it properly Then did the same action to switch from PHP 7.2 to PHP 7.4. and finally from PHP 7.4 to 8.0.
Hope this helps someone !

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