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E-Mail / Problem mails from server / postfix.
« on: June 05, 2021, 11:38:38 PM »
For a few days I have detected that my server does not send me emails from root (ssh access, firewall warning) ... after reviewing several things I find that, if I execute:
postconf -m
Mysql does not appear (in other servers that I have it does appear, I see this after executing tail -n 30 / var / log / maillog and looking for info online).
So I install postfix-mysql and after restarting postfix, it works again but .... now I have a different version of postfix than in the other servers that I have.
If I run the cwp update script:
sh / usr / local / cwpsrv / htdocs / resources / scripts / update_cwp
I get this error:
Redirecting to / bin / systemctl restart cwpsrv.service
Redirecting to / bin / systemctl restart httpd.service
Redirecting to / bin / systemctl reload httpd.service
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
error: skipping - transfer failed
Redirecting to / bin / systemctl reload httpd.service

On the other servers, of course, I don't have that error.

If I run yum remove postfix-mysql on the other servers it tells me that it is not installed, but in this one if I uninstall it, after that, I have the mail problems again.

It is as if it had been installed through a different channel than the others (channel other than cwp).

All my servers are the same, same characteristics, same centos version, they are identical in everything, and I have not done anything about it.

Thanks in advance.


After install cwp, always, when I go to access to phpmyadmin from cwp, automatic made login without need insert password root.

A few hours, cwp was updated phpmyadmin to 5.0.4, after this update, after 1440 seconds need insert password root when access to phpmyadmin.

After search info, are a file we can edit for this, but if...after install cwp I don't was need login every time, now I think its possible not for this config...


Backup / How change the time of backups?
« on: December 16, 2020, 11:29:47 PM »

I search info about this, the backups (old module, not new beta backup) its executed at the same time.

I view this:
crons jobs for backup are here :

you can modify according to your needs.
0 3 * * * /usr/local/cwp/php71/bin/php -d max_execution_time=1000000 -q /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/cron.php
0 3 * * * /usr/local/cwp/php71/bin/php -d max_execution_time=1000000 -q /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/cron_backup.php
If I edit the file /etc/cron.daily/cwp and add at the start line like above, not execute at the time and received, in the anacron info, a error in the lines of this file.

Any suggestion?

Thanks and regards!

Updates / Anacron / system update / notifications disabled modules.
« on: December 16, 2020, 11:26:40 PM »
I asked the question in another subforum and I think that it was the wrong subforum and my question was wrongly formulated.

Anacron is executed every day at the same time, when it is executed, we receive a notification email, and here I have a couple of doubts:

Is it possible to change this schedule? It just takes when there is more influx of people in one of the sites.

The other, and more important for me, performs a check / notification of updates and not enabled modules (in my case, mod_security for example), every day I have to close those windows in the CWP GUI, it is possible to avoid this check of modules not activated or not appearing every day? I am aware that they are not enabled and for now, I want to leave it that way.

Thanks in advance and best regards!


For start, sorrys, I don't know how indicate this :)

In one of my server I have configured mail notification in Email Alerts (module=notifications).

Well I view that, this send the email at the same time in all servers that I have configured this, more or less about 03:41 AM (this notification indicate warnings of Security Issue like I have disabled ModSecurity or Hidden Processess).

-Its possible disabled this notifications of Hidden Processes, monit monitoring...? But not in mail ( I can disabled this mails ) but in the cwp, because, all days, appears again the box with this notification and I need close this all days...

I view that, Anacron job, also send mail at the same time, I deduce, correct me if I'm wrong, that just at that moment, CWP performs a check and restarts httpd, I view in the mail that, restart and reload httpd service.

Its possible disabled the restart httpd servide? Or if not, change this time for this operation. At this time, I have some persons in site, the restart is quickly but I preferer set other time for this action.

Sorry, I know are 2 doubts in this post, but I post in same post because have relation.

PHP Selector / PHP Selector not work
« on: December 09, 2020, 12:04:42 AM »
Recently, yesterday, I install 3 cwp's and I can swtich to php 7.1.33 (main php version, not for differents domains).

Since a few hours ago, I install a new centos (same version than the other 3) and reinstall cwp some times, but never I can change my main php version 5.6.3 to 7.1.3.

I know that, I can download and install manually but...I don't need more than 1 version of php, in this days I try this new panel for me for transfer all my vps to this panel, for me, its strange, yesterday, I can change my main version in 3 vps, today, I try about 3, 4 o 5 times (fresh installs always of centos) and I can't.



After my various problems to be able to have the web operational through ipv6 and to be able to solve it, I have decided to make this small mini guide.

After installing Centos 7 or 8, in my case it comes in a configuration file that ipv6 is disabled, a priori, in a clean installation of centos 8 it is activated by default, but it does not hurt, perform these checks / adjustments.

Code: [Select]
nano /etc/sysctl.confAnd add at the end of file:
Code: [Select]
net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 0
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 0
Its possible you view some line like the above about net.ipv6.... delete and replace for this.

Save the file.

Code: [Select]
nano /etc/sysconfig/networkAnd add this line:
Code: [Select]
NETWORKING_IPV6=yesAnd now, restart:
Code: [Select]
shutdown -r now
After this, we need add ipv6 AAAA record, in my case, in main panel (ip:2031) I can't, impossible for me.
I can add this ipv6 record in control panel (ip:2083), in this panel, I can add ipv6 record without problem.
We add the ipv6 record.

After this, we go to edit vhost for accept connection via ipv6.

WebServer Settings-Webservers Conf Editor.

Then, click in edit in the

Search the lines (are 4) that start with:
Code: [Select]
<VirtualHost THE IP4:80>And just add this:
Code: [Select]
<VirtualHost [THE IP6]:80 THE IP4:80>Note, important enter the ipv6 with []
In this file, are 4 lines for add this.


Now, the same with the file
In this case, we add:
Code: [Select]
<VirtualHost [THE IP6]:443 THE IP4:443>Also, in my case, are 4 lines for add the ipv6.

Then, restart apache:
Code: [Select]
systemctl restart httpd
This is all, I wait can help to some user.

Today, I install centos 8 and CWP for centos 8, I upload my cpmove file, select cPanel Account Restore and select public_html files and mails accounts.
At the finish indicate all ok but when access to mail accounts are empty.
If I enter via SSH, in /VAR/VBMAIL are all mails accounts.
I try to connect, but not connect, I create one account then, I connect and appears all mails.

This procedure is the same that I use with centos 7, and with this, restore well all mail accounts.

Thanks and regards.

Backup / How deleted some configs backups in New Backup - Restore Option?
« on: November 21, 2020, 11:08:19 PM »
I'm new in CWP, I'm configured some backups in New Backup, now, when I access to new backup, in the right side (option Restore), appears a lot of configs that I made.
How can I deleted this olds configs backup that I was made?

Thanks and regards!

Apache / How can install mod_remoteip ?
« on: November 19, 2020, 09:18:52 PM »
At the first time, I'm new in CWP, I have some VPS with other panel, I view this panel (new for me) and I try in one this CWP, is very good, I think in transfer all others servers to this CWP.

Well, I have a doubt, I search but I don't view how made, I need install mod_remoteip, the site is with cloudflare and I need install this remoteip, I view instructions for install mod_cloudflare, but this mod, is no longer supported or developed by cloudflare.

Its possible install mod_remoteip?

Thanks and regards.

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