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Topics - devloraa

Pages: [1]
CentOS 7 Problems / /cwpsrv/conf
« on: November 01, 2024, 07:35:28 PM »
I am wondering how the files located in
are managed.
I have noticed that if I change something in one of those files, especially apache related. The modification will not take effect unless I reboot the server.  My guess is that there is some build at one point ( at boot time for sure , but maybe some other way to trigger this build).
Am I wrong?
My goal is to protect pma behind a .htpasswd file, but will the .conf file be overridden on updates?

Thank you

Lately, I have started to receive some logs by mail about trying to renew certificate that no longer exists on the server.
Every domain, or subdomain that I removed, that previously was previously on the server with Let's Encrypt certificates to autorenew, will fall into that bug.
This is the log I receive, for every domain or subdomain falling into that situation.

[Wed Mar 20 00:17:12 EDT 2024] Invalid status, [domain_name]:Verify error detail:no valid A records found for  [domain_name]; no valid AAAA records found for  [domain_name]
[Wed Mar 20 00:17:12 EDT 2024] Please check log file for more details: /[complete_path_to]/
[Wed Mar 20 00:17:13 EDT 2024] Error renew  [domain_name].ca_ecc.

Two things here
1-it's a bug and should be fixed.
2-What should I do to prevent trying to renew these certs?

CWPpro version: |

Thank you

Information / Monit alert - upoload byte exceeded public
« on: May 12, 2021, 01:57:32 PM »
Hi there,
I am confused about that message, and I can't find any doc anywhere.
CWP PRO have monit monitoring activated.
I keep receiving this email

My question is. What does "upload" means.

Does it mean the server itself is uploading data somewhere else?
does it mean someone somewhere is uploading data TO the server.


title : monit alert -- Upload bytes exceeded public

Upload bytes exceeded Service public

 Date: [alert date]
 Action: alert
 Host: [My Server address]
 Description: total upload [some gigabyte] GB matches limit [upload rate > 1 GB in last 1 hour]

Your faithful employee,


CWPpro version:
Distro Name: CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
Kernel Version: 3.10.0-957.12.1.el7.x86_64
Platform: x86_64 kvm

Only way to access anything on the machine when csf is running is by whitelisting ips.
If the whitelist was overridden by blacklisted IPs.  I wouldn't mind whitelisting all IPs, but that's not the case.

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / NEW Backup (beta) - found a bug
« on: May 22, 2020, 06:47:06 PM »
I have set up an automatic backup daily "Per Package".
When I run it Manual, all accounts in the package are backed up.
But when the automatic execution runs, it always, only the first account of the selected package that is backed up (order by the account name­), no email is sent.

I know it's beta, I am not complaining, but Betas are meant to be broken ;).

Love CWP, will never switch to something else.

Backup / remote backup-> only folder created
« on: July 27, 2018, 01:31:40 PM »
CWP version :
So I configured eveything right, i Have Connection_OK when I test connection.  I have enable romte backup rsync.

but only the folder are created on the remote server.

First of all, can't find any log... maybe we should start from there. point me in the right direction.

Thank you.

Pages: [1]