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Topics - GORF

Pages: [1]
CentOS-WebPanel GUI / CPU Usage & Disk IO show NaN
« on: August 17, 2024, 11:06:40 PM »
Has anyone seen this? Any clues where to look?

I can build it / Want to hire - Postfix blacklist manager
« on: April 09, 2022, 11:15:57 PM »
Looking for someone to create a plugin to manage a postfix email blacklist.

- View, add and delete entries in a file (maybe delete all function also)
- On save, run 2 commands
-- "postmap /etc/postfix/blacklist"
--"postfix reload"

Entries can be IP, IP range, host or email address:

File formatted like this:   REJECT   SPAM BLOCKED   REJECT   SPAM BLOCKED
mail.spam.tld   REJECT   SPAM BLOCKED
jerk@spam.tld   REJECT   SPAM BLOCKED

Let me know your thoughts

I can build it / Want to hire - need script installer for WHMCS/CWP
« on: February 09, 2020, 12:03:18 AM »
I have a small CMS that I want an auto-installer script for.
This will use WHMCS Hooks after hosting account is created on CWP server.

- Copy CMS files to new User public_html folder
- CHOWN / CHMOD files/folders as needed
- Create database
- Create database user
- Grant privileges for database user on database
- Import SQL into database
- Write config file with database connection values
- Update admin password in database from WHMCS Custom Field

I found this that may be of some help:

Let me know your thoughts


Pages: [1]