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Topics - erwrow

Pages: [1]
E-Mail / How to set email
« on: March 04, 2020, 02:36:14 PM »
Hello everyone, first post here!

I'm really new here and this is my first time with servers (vps) and my provider just gave me an cwp7.admin panel and i would love to set up the email with my custom domain, the problem is, when i go to Navigation > Email > Email accounts and click on the "add new domain email" button a modal pops up and ask me to select an user, which i don't have (and since i have another process running in paralel with cwp and it needs to be accessed throught the same domain (on another port) i dont want to delegate the domain to some random user created only for email stuff), so the question is:

How can i set up an email with my domain from the cwp7.admin without having to delegate my domain to some user? is this possible?

Thanks for reading, i hope tat yo have a great day!

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