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Topics - TheQuantumPharaoh

Pages: [1]
Information / CWP Support Site Not Working
« on: December 03, 2024, 09:00:02 PM »
I just payed for a one time support new ticket at and my CC went through but when I try to send the support ticket I get the error "Forbidden, You don't have permission to access this resource."

How do I submit a ticket?

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Token API does not have ROOT Access Error
« on: January 02, 2024, 06:31:16 PM »
I have been slowly moving accounts from my WHM server using the built-in cpanel to CWP migration tool and everything has worked great until today. When I went to click on the IP address of my WHM server to get a list of all accounts I got an error "Token API does not have ROOT Access". I deleted the token on WHM and recreated a new one, all good, I then went back to CWP to add it and again got the error "Token API does not have ROOT Access". I know the token has root access because I checked the box for full access and again it worked for months before so not sure what changed. Please help.

CentOS 7 Problems / CWP Using 2 Private IP Addresses
« on: July 28, 2023, 02:11:10 AM »
I started getting return emails from Google today when sending to any gmail email. The error from Google said that my PTR record did not match the IP the email was coming from. I do have a block of 5 IP's from my ISP so I did a little digging. Found out that all I needed to do was go into my router and do a little Outbound NAT so the CWP server always used the correct public IP associated with the correct PTR record. My CWP server uses the private IP of so all I had to do was create the NAT rule and everything should work right?...not so much.

I created the NAT rule for and used the command
Code: [Select]
curl in CWP to check if it worked and nope. Was still using the wrong public IP. I then used the command
Code: [Select]
ifconfig to find what IP address CWP was using and sure enough it was using

I went back to my NAT rules and created the same rule but used the IP and boom! It started working.

So my question is CWP using both (which is what CWP says is its IP in the GUI and where all port forwarding is routed) and (which is apparently what the CWP mail server is using)?

Is there a way I can delete without breaking something?

Functions / Dark Mode for Text Editor
« on: January 22, 2023, 08:28:03 AM »
Does anyone know how to set the dark mode for the text editor in the file manager as default? Whenever I save a file it reverts back to light mode so I'm finding myself clicking the dark mode switch constantly. I just want to set it as default as I never use the light mode. Is this possible?

Backup / Any Way To Exclude A Folder For Backup?
« on: October 28, 2022, 05:19:32 PM »
I currently have all users on my server backing up to the /backup folder. The problem with this is I use Nextcloud and it has gotten very large on my harddrive space. This has caused the /dev/mapper/centos-root folder to get to 40% which is a 2TB size disk.

So my question is, can I exclude just the Nextcloud folder on this account from being backed up so I can save space?

Anyone have an idea to achieve this?

CentOS Configuration / CWP with NitroPack Config Question
« on: April 13, 2022, 12:33:15 AM »
I am trying to set up NitroPack (a page speed caching site) via a Wordpress plugin but I get an error when NitroPack tries to cache my website saying that I am already using a caching plugin (which I am not). I found out that Im getting this error due to using NGINX and Varnish. Luckily NitoPack has an integration for such cases. Problem is, I dont know the details to put in the settings of NitroPack to remedy the problem. Here is the settings I need to fill in on NP.....

My CWP webserver is set to : Nginx & Varnish & Apache

Ports :

Nginx: 80,443
Varnish: 82
Apache: 8181,8443

Has anyone successfully set up NP with a Wordpress site on CWP? If so I need some help here.

Nginx / Nginx & Varnish & Apache + php-fpm - 502 Bad Gateway
« on: June 30, 2020, 04:40:15 AM »
I am wanting to try out Nginx as I heard its faster for wordpress sites so I used the "Webserver Settings > Webserver Domain Conf" in the CWP admin panel and set one of my domains to "Nginx & Varnish & Apache + php-fpm". This domain is now getting an error "502 Bad Gateway". Tried restarting Apache, uninstalled and reinstalled SSL cert, opened multiple ports, and even turned off Mod Security for this domain and nothing has worked. Here is the error log im getting.....
Code: [Select]
2020/06/30 00:11:16 [error] 10151#10151: *16156 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server:, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: ""
Any help is greatly appreciated.

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Cgroup In Package Creation Question
« on: April 18, 2020, 05:49:59 AM »
Does anyone know what the cgroup box does/represent when creating a new "package" in the GUI? It wants a number input but I don't know what the number represents? Anyone know? I pay for support and they couldn't tell me. Go figure.

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / New Backup Running Indefinitely
« on: March 23, 2020, 11:36:44 AM »
I have about 20 accounts and when I run the "New" backup it seems to jump around in no particular order forever backing up every account. Is anyone else having this problem? Also is there some command I can use to stop the backup process? Since it never stops I end up having to re-start the server to get it to stop.

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